Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The @rriv@l of Zaara Q

My first entry through the blog...n asked the blessing from Allah s.w.t..
My previous miscarriage of Arwah Rayyan after 3 months..i'm blessed again..
im pregnant!...
Alhamdullilah the morning sickness that i felt from Arwah Rayyan is much more better and i can coop up with the first trimester..( yelah tu..bapa kali tak tahan ngan bau daddy..alasan..heheh jgn marah yea..)
Since my previous check up is with Dr. Paul Tay at i continued with him for my 5th pregnancies.
During my first trimester I've been requested ( mak aih formal nyer) to do a test call Syndrome Down Preliminary for my baby.. reason being age factor and what so called early preparation if i've been diagnosed.. Dari test tu alhamdullilah the result shows below par..and did not categorized for the illness..
Continuing with my 2nd trimester..all went well..craving..weight (eee malu nak cite..) heheh and cooping up also with my work... So far so good...routine check up and then again asked to do a blood test...blood test result that my low immune on Hepatitis B.. dah lah kena jab lagi..wargghh..sungguh x sukaaa... then need to undergo 2 more jab..eee yikes..
One session i remembered with Dr. Paul he advised me that i need to deliver the baby in 35-36 weeks due to Arwah Rayyan complication.. so im schedule for induce on the 6 December 2010..
Since masa Arwah Rayyan Ell dah beli byk barang so x byk sgt yang Ell beli for new baby since barang2 tu x pernah pakai and guna pun...luckily masa beli tu..x beli specific colour..
One of my wishlist when i knew that im having a baby Fisher Price Baby Papasan Pink Butterfly Cradle yang Ell naaaaaaakk sgt... Alhamdullilah my friend at UK dpt carikkan and taraaaaaaa i got it and i really got it...sukaa sesangat..tau...
During my 3rd trimester..syukur jugak pada Allah s.w.t. Ell dpt puasa penuh..dan baby sungguh baik dan progress well... tp mummynyer lak lembik...with the nausea..with the back pain..aduhai..nak bangun pagi tu masya Allah susahnyer...seb baik Daddy mmg rajin menolong..jadinyer Daddylah yg tengok kan anak2..while mummy is resting... (resting memanjang..) masak2 memasak..bila dah datang time x larat tu..daddy lah yg tukang masaknyer...
2 weeks before 6th Dec.. Ell notice that there is a water leakage..hish biar betul..air ketuban kea..panik gak terus g PCMC then admitted.. rupa2 nyer false labour.. that time baru 33 bagi injection utk kuatkan lung..and the jab tu ya Allah sakitnyer sb it's a oil base
6 December 2010...12.19p.m....lahirlah Zaara Qistina binti Wan Ahmad Yusof dengan berat badan nyer..2.63kg...

To be continued

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