Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MuMMy Ell R0uT1ne

Salam Semua
I'm happy and proud to be a mother. I wanna be a role model to my kids...where I will and have to adapt whichever methods that I can give where it has been seconded by Allah s.w.t to me..Insya Allah.. I will do my very level best to be there to support them love and care... that's my promise to my kids..

I'm a mother to 4 kids.. yap 4 kids.

Muhammad Danish Haziq borned 24 September 1999 I was 22 :) wow muda nyer
Muhammad Harith Haziq borned 31 October 2002 ~~ Me at age 25 -- ok ape.. :)
Mya Qistina borned 14 February 2006 ~~Age 29 -- it's a GIRL!!
Zaara Qistina borned 6 December 2010 ~~ At the age 33 -- just nice

With Danish arrival..yes as a newly mom...i am clueless of everything.. but Im catching up with Harith arrival...more mutually to Mya but much more experience towards Zaara. I would say I'm much more prepapred physically and mentally during Mya and Zaara's arrival.

Danish, Harith breastfeeded only till their are 2 weeks old. Mya don't even have the chance to be breastfeeded since she is born premature and to small and I'm too lack of milk..BUT Zaara has all the privileges in such way she is full breastfeeded (i have set up a goal for it) with a lot of reading and other knowledge I would say I am able to coop up with her needs and  my next target is to have her solid food only by my cooking..no salt no sugar till she is 2 years old..sorry darling...you have to follow.
I bought Medela Swing and fully used it during my confinement and I did not produce as much I  want and I change to Avent Double Pump..alhamdullilah..i manage to get a least 7 ounce of milk every pumping..ok tuu..

Worth buying...
 Now I bought Beaba since Zaara is already 5months ++ so I've started with fruit puree for her.. mula2 tu..menjerit tak mo.. but after 2-3 trials she started to like it..

Blend, steam
Puree Apple
I've also started using cloth diapers..(jimatt banyak sangat!) tapi kena rajin basuh ler... but still di mana ada usaha di situ adalah jalan nyer erti kata lain ..mana boleh jimat kita go for it...:)

Oklah nanti kita sambung lagi eak..cite pasal anak2 nie smpi sudah x abis... :)

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